Do you want to do what is right, but don’t? Do you want to please God, but can’t? Are you tired of being imprisoned by sin? Well here’s good news! You can be set free by Jesus Christ.

First, Jesus satisfies the righteousness of God by taking all our failures upon himself and paying the just penalty for our sins. Then he brings about real change, putting his Spirit within us so we can be brand new people of God. This change gives us freedom — no longer slaves to sin, no longer under judgment, no longer imprisoned by guilt and shame.  Are you free yet?


The road to freedom begins with an awareness that God is calling you.  We feel an emptiness in our hearts and a yearning for something real. He whispers in our ear “come.”
Is he there? Does he care? He wants you to come. But where?


How can I ever be good enough to approach Holy God? There’s evil in my life. And evil in my heart.  My efforts at rule keeping have not made me holy. I can’t do it. I can’t keep it up. I can’t change.  I agree that I am a slave to sin. Who will set me free from this death? God help me!


Thanks be to God, who saves us through Jesus Christ!

No human being can please God by self improvement. We put our faith in Jesus as our own personal sacrifice for sin, understanding that he alone can set us right before God and give us his power to live a free life. How do we get Jesus to do it?  Just ask him in prayer.


If you would like to have a life-giving relationship with Christ, simply pray this prayer and mean it in your heart. He is alive and ready to listen. Here’s what you could say to him:

“Jesus, I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you. Please forgive me. I reject my life of rebellion against God. I believe you are the Son of God who came to this earth to save me from a life that I have lived apart from You. Please save me, and give me a new heart that is holy and acceptable. I believe that I am now in You, and You are now in me by your Spirit. Change me from the inside out. I mean this. Though I will surely fail sometimes, I believe that You will never fail me. Thank you. Amen.”


If you sincerely prayed this prayer in faith, the Spirit of God will enter your heart and change you from the inside out.  No longer are you struggling to please God, but the Son of God is now living his life through you.

This is not a burden but a joy, having Christ the Lord as your new best friend.

1 Question

One question - did you pray the prayer of salvation?

What Salvation Means:

  1. We have all sinned and done things that are displeasing to God.
  2. Because of our sin, we deserve to be punished with eternal separation from God.
  3. Jesus died on a cross to pay the penalty for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserved.
  4. God grants forgiveness and salvation to those who place their faith in Jesus, which means trusting his death as full payment for our sins.
  5. The Holy Spirit comes to live forever within us at the moment of faith, assuring everlasting life. He teaches us God’s Word and empowers us to live according to it.

If you’ve trusted Jesus alone as your Savior, you can have confidence that you will spend eternity with God in heaven!